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Friday, September 25, 2015

forglemmegei ( leke ) / forgetmenot ( play )

Check out my site specific art piece for Galley Snerk in Tromsø, September 2015..

It is a film in Norwegian, but here is a versjon with English subtitles for my internasjonal blogg. The original is also on youtube, its a bit different, the adjustment where made so it looked like real shadows on the wall and without the subs I think it looked quite alright.

I made it in a week, as a challenge. It is filmed in two takes. It took a bit of planning, and if you look close, you can see my toes and hand come into the frame for four seconds on the right, where they are not supposed to. Well, better luck next time, it absolutely will be, this was fun!


The sun shines in through three windows, and it shines from the west. A reddish, warm golden light of autumn colors from the outside crash through the window. The light affects two humans in front of a green living room wall, covered with something that on first glance, you may assume are family photos. The golden picture frames, and the dining table they sit around are in oak. It is reaching them mid waist. Two strangers look down on empty dishes full of almond cake crumbs and fried onions. No words have been exchanged.

In handblown glass, in the middle, stands a vase with Forget Me Not flowers. There is a woman, there is a man. They carry heat in their cheeks after the fireplace mighty warm stokes. It comes at them from the entire east wall, and adds to the reddish late summer; a moving dance light. Gold frames and photographs behind thin glass, in all heights and shapes on the moss green walls, reflects it all. The pictures are of several strangers around the world portrayed in workplaces fully up of acrylic tubes, brushes, canvases and wood panels. Mirrors also hang there, in between, which reflect the light from the landscape outside. On one wall stands a bookcase in cherry wood. Untreated, unrendered and spreads a rough smell of acidic wood. On the shelves stand the books by famous artists from around the world. They tell about famous art. As the two, and probably everyone else here, knows. But not even these initiate a conversation between the two.

The silence persists. Outside flies screaming swallows. It smells of coming rain from an open window. She gets up and opens the two other windows, before she returns to the red armchair covered in velvet. The wind turns into the room and the fire flares up. A battle, between heat and cold, warm obscure and crisp fresh air, get them both to breathe in deep. There is a mood, as if they know each other, a confidence in being unknown to each other, which preserves their calm, silent presence.

He gets up quietly and walks to the shelf, stretching out his hand, lay it on the wood carefully as if he knows the shelves secrets. From his inside pocket he lifts out a new book, with fresh binders, inserts it among the others. Silent as he is standing there, with his back to the open space. Slowly and surely she gets up and walks up behind him. He turns. They look at each other. Without a single word they smile. Outside swallows subsided, and darkness comes, over the countryside with fog from the mountains. The reds become blue, the green violet, the fire black, and the room they are standing, ice cold.

But their smiles remain warm.

Made by Elind Rui Blix

Male voice: Adam Glinn Nordin

All rights reserved